The Journey


Hi there, Saludos and Hallöchen,

We are Kiki from Cuba & Salsa from Germany: Welcome to our journey.

Where do we start? We could say that around 10 years ago we got into a dilemma. Where should a Cuban and a German build their home? A simple question that created more questions than answers.

Living more sustainable and closer to nature felt so important to us and the idea of the perfect four walls or location soon fell into the background.

Instead of imagining a place, we started to adopt a different perspective. We began to focus on and work towards the values we would want our future to include.

10 years on and our plan for a home has turned into a journey. Instead of a front door, we opted for a live at sea.

But what does it really mean to live a life on the move, as modern nomads, vagabonds, and travellers living in a tiny floating home? What are the challenges and hurdles? And most important: How do you live and sail around the world?

Follow us every week on our YouTube Channel Sailing SV CUBA to see how we figure out the small things and the bigger ones, like how to circumnavigate this amazing blue planet.


is just your ordinary German girl, navigating through life as it happens.

Captain Kiki

Also known as “McGyver” or “Multiman”. The kind of person, who does not stop to find a way to keep things afloat.

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Our Furry Crew

Admiral Vigo

With almost 12 years in service, Vigo is the oldest member of our furry crew. He keeps his cool in any situation – must be the russian blood.


Pewee the Stowaway (aka Lapdemon)

Pewee has been part of the crew for about 11 years. She may be tiny but she's as fierce as they come. No state of sea has phased her so far.


Meatballs the Stormchaser

Meatballs is the latest addition to our crew and has been with us for around 10 years. He applied to be the navigator but lacks all basic orientation skills. We believe he can predict the weather though!

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