
Step 1.

Gibraltar a.k.a The Rock and the surrounding Campo de Gibraltar was our home for almost 12 years. This really is where it all began. 

It is a very peculiar area with Gibraltar being essentially British and located right at the southern tip of Andalucía, Spain.

You can easily spot the Atlas Mountains of Marocco from there and the bay and straight are home to numerous pods of dolphins.

This is where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic and sailors ready themselves to cross to the Canaries and from there make the jump to the Caribbean. Gibraltar, therefore, is a little bit like a Grand Central station when it comes to sailing.

In a way, it has surely influenced us to see the ocean as more of a highway than a border.

During our time living near the rock we saw many people come and go on their boats and a lot of them used them as their full-time residence. 

“What an awesome way to live”, we thought. “Just imagine you could take your home and all the stuff you need with you and just go… sail to Morocco, to the Canaries, South America – just imagine The South Pacific Islands! And all this just with the power of the wind. 
From that moment on we just could not stop thinking about the possibilities and just started to read and research relentlessly.